Showing how to Model and UV Map a bit complicated plane for running on iOS, Android Devices using Bender 3d with Gamekit.
1. Insert your design as blender3D back ground
2. Create wing using box. Put mirror modifier. Then extrude the side face. Adjust nods on the way to form the shade. Finalize mirror modifier when finishes.
3. Create a cylinder and use extrude scale on the way to create fuselage and engines.
4. Repeat to do the back wing, join components together and give it name
5. Now to unwrap the model for texturing. Go to side ortho view and press 'B' to box select the under side half of the plane. Remove Top of wing faces from selection by Press 'Shift' and mouse right button.
6. Change to top view. Then click unwrap and use project from view.
7. Move the UV map for giving spaces for other parts' uv map.
8. Unwrap other parts of the plane
9. Overlap 2 sides of rudder for easier texturing in future.
10. export the uv map. open in Gimp2 or PhotoShop, paint plane skin
11. load image into Blender3d Texture. and Set the coordination as UV.
12. Select shadeless, for constant colouring.
13. Testing on Android and iOS, Check my other post / youtube for how to do this.
The top bottom constraint is a bit tricky. As camera keeps moving with plane. I used camera as a reference to calcuate the top and bottom screen edge.
1. Get camera position
2. Calculate current top edge Y location
3. Calculate current bottom edge Y location
4. Compare with current plane location, and return signals, -1 as plane too low, 1 as plane too high, 0 for plane inside the screen
5. feed the signal and mouse movement to function edgeMoveFilter, which only permit plane move toward centre if it is on edge
The code is below and red marks are comments.
--Global variable
--set touch move parameters
Sensitivity = 0.005
--invert = -1 -> is inverted
Invert = 1
-- Plane Contrain
Xmin = -0.87
Xmax = 0.87
-- Plane Top Bottom Constrain
Ymin = -1.50
Ymax = 1.30
--filter movement so plane will only move towards center if touchs edge
function edgeMoveFilter(limitSignal,oldX)
if limitSignal == -1and oldX > 0then
return oldX
elseif limitSignal == -1and oldX < 0then
elseif limitSignal == 1and oldX >0then
elseif limitSignal ==1and oldX <0then
return oldX
--check if over boundary on Y axis
function YoverLimit(obj,cameraObj)
local vec3 = obj:getPosition()
local cameraV = cameraObj:getLinearVelocity()
--get camero position
local cameraP = cameraObj:getPosition()
--calculate bottom edge ;ocation
local nextYmin = cameraP.y+Ymin
--calculate top edge location
local nextYmax = cameraP.y+Ymax
--check whether plane is on edge and return signals
if vec3.y < nextYmin then
elseif vec3.y > nextYmax then
function XoverLimit(obj)
local vec3 = obj:getPosition()
if vec3.x < Xmin then
elseif vec3.x > Xmax then
function printPosition(obj)
local vec3 = obj:getPosition()
dPrintf("position x: " .. vec3.x)
dPrintf("position y: " .. vec3.y)
dPrintf("position z: " .. vec3.z)
function velocityCap(v,vmax)
if (v>vmax) then
return vmax
elseif (v < -vmax) then
return -vmax
elsereturn v
scene = OgreKit.getActiveScene()
play = scene:getObject("plane")
--new--get camera objcet
camera = scene:getObject("Camera")
--end new---------------------------
logicM = OgreKit.LogicManager()
myLogicObject = logicM:getObject("plane")
mySensor = myLogicObject:getSensor("Collision")
--print current plane posistion on screen
--using threshold to filter out unwanted small touch movement
if ((mouse.xrel>Threshold or mouse.xrel<-Threshold)or(mouse.yrel>Threshold or mouse.yrel<-Threshold)and (not(play.touchBoundary))) then
Blender 3D game engine provides location constraint to limit object in a certain area. However this was not implemented in the Gamekit package. I have to do some scripting to get around it. So my plane will not fly out of the screen. Below is the script and red bits are my explanations. This is apart of series tutorials to create a 2d arcade plane game using Blender 3D and gamekit. Check this blog for more details.
-------BELOW IS OnInit.lua--------------
--Global variable
--set touch move parameters
Sensitivity = 0.005
--invert = -1 -> is inverted
Invert = 1
-- Plane Constrain parameter
Xmin = -0.87--This is the left boundary, adjust if necessary
Xmax = 0.87--This is the right boundary, adjust if necessary
--this function is to stop plane moving cross the boundary
function xMoveFilter(limitSignal,oldX)
if limitSignal == -1and oldX > 0then
return oldX
elseif limitSignal == -1and oldX < 0then
elseif limitSignal == 1and oldX >0then
elseif limitSignal ==1and oldX <0then
return oldX
--this function is to determine whether plane is over the broundary
function XoverLimit(obj)
local vec3 = obj:getPosition()
if vec3.x < Xmin then
elseif vec3.x > Xmax then
--this function is for debug used to display plane position
function printPosition(obj)
local vec3 = obj:getPosition()
dPrintf("position x: " .. vec3.x)
dPrintf("position y: " .. vec3.y)
dPrintf("position z: " .. vec3.z)
function velocityCap(v,vmax)
if (v>vmax) then
return vmax
elseif (v < -vmax) then
return -vmax
elsereturn v
-------BELOW IS planeTouchMove.lua--------------
scene = OgreKit.getActiveScene()
play = scene:getObject("plane")
logicM = OgreKit.LogicManager()
myLogicObject = logicM:getObject("plane")
mySensor = myLogicObject:getSensor("Collision")
--print current plane posistion on screen
--using threshold to filter out unwanted small touch movement
if ((mouse.xrel>Threshold or mouse.xrel<-Threshold)or(mouse.yrel>Threshold or mouse.yrel<-Threshold)and (not(play.touchBoundary))) then
velocityY=velocityCap((mouse.yrel) * Sensitivity, maxVelocity)
velocityX=velocityCap((mouse.xrel) * Sensitivity, maxVelocity)
--check if plane over screen boundary
limitSignal = XoverLimit(play)
--the X Y directions are swapped as the screen is in landscape
This is a follow up to the plane arcade game tutorial posted before. This time I added plane shooting bullet. For how to run it on real android device such as nexus 7, and ios devices, such as iPad. Please go to my youtube channel: there are videos showing that.
1. if you continue from last tutorial first thing is to rename the Background image from Plane to background. it is confusing, as the aeroplane is also called plan.
2. Create an empty element. set its parent to plane. and move it to centre of the plane. and move down. so the Z axis' number is -0.1. Rename it as EmptyGunCentre.
3. Create a box, and scale smaller, it will become bullet. So pick a size as you think is proper. Rename it to bullet01.
4. Unwrap & export UV map from the box. and paint it to look like a bullet.
5.load the edited uv map in blender, and apply it to bullet element.
6. Put bullet on to layer 2, HIDDEN layer.
7. Pick the EmptyGunCentre, go to game logic editor to set it up like image below:
8. Turn on the hidden layer and pick the bullet. Then go to physics tab. Change type to dynamic. Change the min max velocity to 3.5. And lock Z axis.
9. Now pack the content in, and save the file. Test it on PC first. Then follow my other videos to run it on Android and IOS devices.
Finally, I figured out how to test the Blender3D GameKit on Real IOS devices, such as iphone 5 and iPad 4 in the video. This is using latest xcode 4.6 and ios 6.1 build. Took a while to work out this.
1. go to gamekit on google code site to get the source. copy the svn script and run it in a terminal. It will download the whole package onto your hard disk.
2. go to apple developer site register yourself and pay $99 to get the iOS developer licence. So you can test applications on your iOS devices.
3. go to mac application shop download Xcode. Currently using 4.6
4. open xcode and go to preference -> download install the command tools.
5. search cmake and install.
6. search xquartz and install.
7. open cmake. point source to gamekit-read-only you downloaded before. point target to a folder under it. normally named build.
8. Click configure once. And wait for the settings to come up. Turn on OGREKIT_BUILD_IPHONE,Turn on OGREKIT_BUILD_GLESRS.Turn off OGREKIT_BUILD_GLRS 9. click configure again. only one red line. and then click again. there will be no red lines. 10. click generate. This will generate a xcode project for you named ogrekit.xproject in the build folder. 11. link your iPhone, iPad to computer and start Xcode. this will bring you to a button to set your device for development. click and finish the process. 12. copy your own blender file for testing into iphoneDemo folder. 13. open ogrekit.xproject in xcode and drag the file under iphoneDemo. 14. open under iphoneDemo folder. edit the name of the blender file to the one you just copied.
15. change the target to buildAll->your device name. and Command + B to build. for the first time it will take a while. but afterwards will be much faster. 16. After succeed the build. Make sure you have your device connected. Change the target to IphoneDemo->your device and click run. 17. wait for several minutes. the files will be compiled and uploaded on to your device. The App will start running by itself. 18. for ipad just go to the summary page and change the target device to ipad.
Following last tutorial, background moving, as moving direction is wrong, we need to fix it first.
1. Rotate camera and change motion direction in game logic editor.
2. Adjust plane shape.
3. Cut seam line on the plane model. And generate uv map.
4. Export uv map as image file.
5. Open uv map in gimp2 to paint the texture.
6. Save image and load into Blender
7. Apply texture to plane. And verify in 3d view.
8. Creat txt file. Name it OnInit.lua and put some global variables/parameters. So later on if we want to change something globally, we can easily find them. This script will be called automatically when game starts.
--Global variable
--set touch move parameters
Sensitivity = 0.005
--invert = -1 -> is inverted
Invert = 1
9. Create txt file called planeTouchMove.lua and put following code......
What does this do is measuring mouse movement. And pass it to the plane. It uses sensitivity and invert variables defined in the onInit.lua file to adjust the movement. And use threshold to filter out unwanted tiny figure movement.
10. Go to plane game logic and create sensor mouse + movement and click the positive pulse "..." button, it is the first to the left.
11. In game logic link sensor with lua script.
12. Pack content and save file.
13. Test on desktop.
14. Copy the blender file into android project asset folder.
15. Open eclipse and android Gamekit file.
16. Refresh asset folder and goto to change file name to the one just copied.
17. Connect android device to desktop
18. In eclipse save and run.
1. set your android device to debug mode, in the video is a google nexus 7
2.connect usb to your desktop eclipse and open the blender 3d gamekit android package, this package can be download at:
4.pack and save your blender file, test on desktop.
5.copy your blender file into the asset folder under the eclipse project
6.refresh asset to confirm you've got it.
7.go to change file name to your blender file name run, the apk will be send to your device and should be running in several minutes.
This demo showing how to create a rolling background as seen on arcade platform 2D/2.5D games using blender3D and gamekit. at the end test on a real android device Nexus 7.
Following are the Steps:
1. Create a 'mesh plane' rectangular as background
2. Move and Rotate Camera
3. Import pre-modelled Plane
4. Add shadeless material to background
5. Unwrap UV,1024 x 1024
6. export UV image
7. stitch background image on UV map in photoshop or gimp2
8. save the image
9. load image into texture under material
10. add game logic to camera and airplane
11. pack external data in file and save file
12. test on blender gamekit add-on using desktop
13. copy file into gamekit android package asset folder eclipse, change the file name reference in the file
15. connect nexus 7 and run the test.
ios game 'switch' using Blender 3D 2.6 and gamekit game engine
build iOS iPhone ipad game using free Blender 3D and GameKit,
Just a little programming knowledge required.
this video showing how to build blender 3d gamekit ( free game engine )iPhone ios application for running blender 3D game on iOS devices.
download cmake from xcode project setting, change code signing to no, i missed that in the video.
The goal of gamekit is to create a basic game engine that allows fast prototyping build around open source software free for commercial use.
Using Ogre or Irrlicht for graphics, Bullet for physics, OpenAL for sound
OgreKit is most actively developed and in svn/trunk, the suspended Irrlicht version is in svn/branches/IrrKit.
Engine is written in C++ and the game logic can be done in C++, Lua scripting or logic bricks